For individual families and groups looking for a way to give back to their community, Happy Hats for Kids has several fun and enjoyable activities to go around.
joy of GIVING.
Chloe Chamberlain's Bat Mitzvah
Friends of Chloe participated in a Happy Hat workshop prior to her Bat Mitzvah.
These kids took turns at her evening Bat Mitzvah event to help her attendees at the workshop tables to explain how to decorate the Hero Hats and write heartwarming notes to be tucked into each hat.
Their Happy Hats were taken and given to hospitalized children in Jerusalem. What a Mitzvah!

Benjamin Cooperman's Bar Mitzvah
Benjamin's mitzvah project was done in his home after his Bar Mitzvah at the synagogue Temple Ramat Zion in Northridge, CA.
Benjamin and his friends took turns helping at the workshop tables to explain how to decorate the Hero Hats and write heartwarming notes to be tucked into each hat.
Their Happy Hats were taken and given to hospitalized children in Jerusalem. What a Mitzvah!
Hats Off to Hospitalized kids in Israel
At this time of great uncertainty and despair, it would be meaningful to bring lightness to brave and courageous children. This is truly a loving mitzvah from Jewish Communities...

The “Larger than Life” organization bringing Happy Hero Hats to kindergarten children with cancer, Sheba and Soroka Medical Centers
If you would like to be involved in these heartwarming Mitzvah projects, please call Sheri Waldstein (310) 787-0970 or (310) 780-8497
email: Happyhatsforkids@aol.com